Hamilton’s Journey
In trying to get more familiar with the hero’s journey, I thought I’d see if I could deconstruct Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Alexander Hamilton based on it.

In trying to get more familiar with the hero’s journey, I thought I’d see if I could deconstruct Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Alexander Hamilton based on it. I put this together based on both Dan Harmon’s story circle and Christopher Vogler’s framework, partly for a diversity of thought, but mostly because I don’t really know what I’m doing. I should point out that this assumes you’re very familiar with the Broadway production and soundtrack. Anyhoos…
Our Hero

Wants Something

And is Called to Adventure

But Initially Refuses the Call
These lyrics, which actually occur in the next phase, refer to events not explicitly in the storyline.

The Hero Meets the Mentor

And then Crosses the Threshold…

…into a new world (marriage)

…with allies

… with enemies

… while facing trials and tribulations

The Hero and Allies Approach a Major Challenge

And Get What They Want

And The Hero Gets What He Wants

But Pays the Price for It

And Returns (to family, to it being enough)

Offering a Final Sacrifice
Vogler and Joseph Campbell refer to this stage as The Resurrection, but Vogler says this is the phase when the hero may perform a final sacrifice.

As a Changed Person

No story is supposed to snap perfectly into those models and there were areas where I had a tough time figuring out what should go where. I think I’m surprised most by how little Jefferson showed up when putting this together although he plays a pivotal role at the end. Let me know if you agree/disagree/think this a huge a waste of time.